This site is still under construction until the AI ActionSummit to incorporate the final outcome of the summit deliverables.

Jan 17 – Webinar : The Double Dividend of Environmental Criteria for Data Centers: Helping the Planet and Your Investments


The environmental impact of data centres is increasingly moving into the focus of the public debate, and not without reason.

The energy, water, and resource costs associated with data centres are significant, and the rapid development of AI technologies will only exacerbate this trend.

As part of the AI Action Summit taking place in Paris in February 2025, the French Ministy in charge of the Ecological transition rallied a team of experts, industry leaders, and public decision-makers decided to explain this challenge and underline the importance and the potential of green data centres.

Through a series of presentations and experience feedback, this webinar will present the data behind the rising environmental costs of data centers and how the industry and regulators are acting to keep it in check while keeping their technical and financial performance.

This webinar will take place on January 17 from 1pm to 2:30pm (UTC+1) as part of the road to the AI Action Summit, with contributions from Paolo Bertoldi (European Commission), Jérôme Totel (Data4 Group), Siddarth Singh (International Energy Agency) and Gabriela Prata Dias (United Nations Environmental Program).

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