Generative artificial intelligence is being deployed at great speed in a world that is increasingly aware of climate issues. The uses of AI are thus associated with the expression of clearly identified environmental and societal issues, whether it be energy consumption, CO2 emissions, land use, water consumption or extraction of mineral resources. However, artificial intelligence offers promising prospects for supporting the ecological transition, for example in terms of weather forecasting or natural resource management. Faced with this situation, participants in a recent public consultation expressed a broad capacity for discernment and prioritization of opportunities, constraints and uses as well as significant areas of dissensus. While choices will therefore have to be made in the present with long-term effects on future generations, eight public institutions are meeting to organize a Tribunal for Future Generations based on the question “Is there an AI to the save the planet?”
The Tribunal for Future Generations is an original format, imagined and created by Usbek & Rica, which uses the codes of a trial to question and debate the themes that infuse the present and shape the future.
When? Friday, February 7, 2025 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where? Amphithéâtre Richelieu, La Sorbonne, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris
The event will be conducted in French.